European Union Reference Laboratory for
Fungi and oomycetes
The first EURL training course was planned on site during the second half of 2020. However, due to the COVID19, it has been postponed it to 2021.
This first training session will be organised online on the 28th of January 2021 and will be about the identification of Fusarium circinatum, the pine pitch canker, following the organisation of the first EURL proficiency test 19FcirC.
The duration of this webinar/online training session will be half-day. The registration deadline is the 20th of January.
This webinar is addressed to NRLs who wish to reinforce their skills on the detection/identification of F. circinatum, but the participation on these training session is highly recommended for those NRLs who faced difficulties during the 19FcirC PT.
The tentative program will include: