European Union Reference Laboratory for
Fungi and oomycetes

The first EURL workshop organized on the 19th of March 2020 have been postponed due to the current situation about the coronavirus outbreak.
The workshop has been rescheduled on the 20th of October 2020 and will be celebrated by videoconference.
The agenda and the registration email will be send to all EU-NRLs in order to obtain information of the participants of the workshop. Once we know the number and contact email of all participants, we will send them the link for the videconference.
The platform that will be used is "Skype for business". A "test day" is planned few days before the workshop for those participants that wish to test their connection or the software (in case they are not familiar with). We will also send to the participants a user instructions manual for Skype for business. The final agenda will also be published here in the EURL website.
Some of the main points of the workshop include the presentation of the EURL and the current work programme, the projects we are working on, the EURL reference collection, the last expert missions of the EURL, and the current proficiency test 20Pcit and a discussion of the results of the previous one, 19FcirC. Moreover, we will have talks from our Desk Officer from the European Commission, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and a guest speaker.
We look forward to meet you behind the screen!