♦ 02 November 2016 ♦
Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority
Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health
National Reference Laboratory for Rabies
IDAH Bucharest information
Str. Dr. Staicovici nr. 63, sector 5, cod 050557,
Bucureşti, România
Tel: 0374.322.013 / 0374.322.000
Fax: 0214.113.394
E-mail: office@idah.ro
IDAH Director : Florica BARBUCEANU PhD Associate Professor - E-mail: office@idah.ro
The Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health (IDAH) is a unit with juridical personality and operates as public institution of national interest, subordinated to Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety National Authority.

Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT)
Rabies Tissue Culture Infective Test (RTCIT)
Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT)
Molecular technicque (RT-PCR)
Fluorescence virus neutralization test (FAVN)
OTC determination
ELISA for detection of rabies virus antibodies in serum samples after oral vaccination of foxes
All methods are accredited according to ISO 17025. In addition to this standard, since 2015 we are also accredited to ISO 17043 as organizers and providers of proficiency test.
Performs laboratory tests for rabies diagnosis, for monitoring of the efficacy of the ORV and for serology for the non-commercial movement of pet animals
Participation in proficiency testing organized by the Community Reference Laboratory
Organize of annually proficiency tests for 40 county veterinary laboratories
Controls the diagnostic value of reagents and diagnostic kits
Characterization of the viral strains and genetic typing of viral strains for molecular epidemiology
Developing and improving of diagnostic manual
Coordination of the diagnostic methodology and trainings for persons from county laboratories
Collaboration with the Community Reference Laboratory
Collaboration with other national reference laboratories
Provides technical advice to veterinary authorities/institutions
Keeps the viral isolates
Participates in drafting of legislation
Participating in the drafting of surveillance programs
Vlad VUTA: vuta.vlad@idah.ro
Website: www.idah.ro
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