The 2023 session of the inter-laboratory test (ILT) for rabies diagnosis has ended. Samples have been dispatched to more than thirty laboratories who registered to take part to this ILT. The objective of this interlaboratory test was to evaluate the rabies diagnosis conclusion of participating laboratories. Techniques used were reference technique used under routine condition. Deadline for submission of the results was June 19, 2023. The EURL Team wishes the best to all participants and remains...
The 2023 session of the Inter laboratory test (ILT) for rabies diagnosis is about to begin. The shipping of sample panels is scheduled for the 15th of May. Thirty-four panels will be sent to participating laboratories among the EURL network. Laboratories, which have not totally complied with documentation requirements, must ensure compliance before May 14th 2023. Submission of the results will have to made through a digital survey on a dedicated server.
During two half days, the beautiful city of Ljubljana will welcome the participants of the annual meeting organized by the EURL for rabies on 21 and 22 June 2023. Dedicated to the current situation of rabies control and surveillance in EU, as well as progress on laboratory techniques and feedback on previous ILT sessions, the fourteen edition of the Workshop for rabies will be an exiting event allowing more than 60 scientist from the entire EURL network to meet and interact all together....
The registration to the 14th workshop for rabies that will be held on 21 and 22 June 2023 in Ljubljana is now open. As the previous edition, the workshop will be an hybrid conference event. This will allow, participants to choose whether to participate remotely, or physically. This 14th session of the workshop for rabies will address the current situation of rabies surveillance and control in EU. More details like the provisional agenda will be soon relayed to registered...
The EURL Team is pleased to launch a call for participation in a rabies diagnostic proficiency test that will be organized in 2023. Registration ends on January 6th 2023 and is restricted to network members who received an invitation. The test will be performed on a unique panel to evaluate the rabies diagnosis conclusion on 10 samples using at least one of the following techniques: FAT (Fluorescent Antibody Test), RTCIT (Rabies Tissue Culture Infection Test), Conventional RT-PCR and Real-Time...
As 2022 comes to an end, let the festivities begin !
The EURL team wishes you the best for the year to come :
A year full of health, joy and success, as well as cooperation and scientific discoveries !
See you in 2023 !
The EURL Team is pleased to announce the 14th session of Rabies Workshop.
Following the success of the previous session which took place both online and in real life, this session is planned to be organised in an hybrid fashion as well.
The 2023 meeting will held In Ljubljana , Slovenia on 21 and 22 June.
Presentations and discussions will be dedicated to the current situation of rabies control and surveillance in EU, as well as progress on laboratory...
Following the successful 13th edition of the Workshop for rabies in Warsaw, a satisfaction survey was sent to all attendees. The aim of this survey is to inquire about the level of satisfaction regarding the workshop, as well as other EURL activities. Preliminary results indicates a positive feedback of the National Reference Laboratories as ninety eight percent of their responses indicated “satisfactory“ and “quite satisfactory“ evaluations on the EURL activities. As we...
A call for registration to the inter-laboratory test for tetracycline determination will be send in September 2022 to NRLs from European Union and bordering countries implicated in oral vaccination programmes. The Panel will have to be tested in October 2022. Tetracycline is widely used as biomarker for rabies vaccine bait uptake evaluation. After its consumption, the antibiotic is incorporated into bones and teeth in vaccinated fox population. The goal of the ILT is to evaluate the...
During two half days, the beautiful city of Warsaw welcomed the participants of the annual meeting organized by the EURL for rabies on 15 and 16 June 2022. This year’s edition was marked by the absolute pleasure of meeting back again and was home to very constructive exchanges on various rabies topics, as well as future collaborative works and exchanges. Additionally to the representative of the European Commission, Thierry Chalus, and representatives from the World Organisation for...