State of play in 2015 of the situation following the detection of Aethina tumida in Italy in 2014 (Free access)
(To see the details of the outbreaks observed in 2014, please click here).
Updated news (1st September 2015)
No A. tumida outbreak has been detected in Italy in 2015 (in Calabria nor in Sicily). Colony splitting has been done in the infested protection zone (20 km radius) in Calabria region. Some 3 000 swarms have been produced to prevent natural swarming. All these swarms have been examined for A. tumida and found negative.
Approximately 300 natural swarms have been recovered during April-May 2015 and found negative for A. tumida.
The map present to date on the Italian reference laboratory website is dated from the 7th July 2015. It will be updated soon.
Updated news (7th July 2015)
Since the resuming of apiaries visits after the winter in 2015 and up to date (7 July 2015), 782 apiaries have been visited in the area of Calabria and 318 in Sicily. There has been no A. tumida outbreak observed since December 2014.
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (7th July 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (7th July 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (7th July 2015)
Updated news (24th June 2015)
The updated maps (24th June 2015), available on the Italian NRL for honeybee health website do not report any new outbreak of A. tumida. Since the beginning of 2015, 670 apiaries have been visited in the area of Calabria and 318 in Sicilia, for the search of A. tumida. The last outbreak of A. tumida in Italy has been observed and destroyed in the Calabrian area in December 2014.
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (24th June 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (24th June 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (24th June 2015)
Updated news (12th June 2015)
Aethina tumida has not been detected in any apiary in the area of Calabria nor in Sicily according to the maps (updated on the 12 June 2015) available on the Italian reference laboartory for honeybee health website. In total, 550 apiaries have been visited in the area of Calabria and 316 in Sicily.
Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution
The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (12th June 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (12th June 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (12th June 2015)
Updated news (27th May 2015)
To date, no A. tumida outbreak has been observed in 2015 in Italy, as shown in the last updated maps available on the Italian reference laboratory for honeybee health. So far, the surveillance relies on the visit of 550 apiaries in the Calabria area and 155 apiaries in Sicilia.
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (27th May 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (27th May 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (27th May 2015)
Updated news (7th May 2015)
The surveillance in Italy is in progress. The last updated maps available from the Italian reference laboratory show only green spots, which means visited apiaries without any A. tumida outbreaks since the beginning of the year 2015.
In the Calabria region, 164 apiaries have been randomly selected plus all those in the protection zone. These apiaries should be visited by the end of May to detect the presence of A. tumida in a number of colonies selected according to an expected prevalence of 5% and 95% of confidence interval. In the surveillance zone only (100 km from the initial detection), movement of colonies have been authorized within the zone provided that the colonies have been already visited twice 26 days apart for the detection of SHB with a negative result and that a new sanitary inspection has been implemented just before moving with a negative result. In the protection zone, such movements are not authorised.
In Sicilia, for the provinces of Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa, a total of 164 apiaries have been randomly selected for inspection. In each apiary, the number of colonies visited depends on the size of the apiaries, and is defined according to an expected prevalence of 5% with 95% of confidence interval. The same number of apiaries has been assigned to the other provinces of Sicily. These controls should be implemented by the end of May 2015.
In the other regions of Italy free of any A. tumida outbreak in 2014, the apiaries at risk (e.g. the ones that have moved to Calabria) have been under surveillance since last September. This inspection led to the discovery of a single outbreak in Sicily in November 2014. Therefore, the risk-based surveillance in the regions of Italy is still in progress.
Moreover, a national surveillance program has been defined in March 2015 based on randomly selected hives assigning 164 apiaries per epidemiological unit (northern, central and southern Italy, Sicily and Calabria excluded) according to a 2% expected prevalence (95% CI).
Furthermore, migratory apiaries should be inspected once back after the end of the active season according to a risk-based evaluation. In this case, traps are also used.
All the data produced by the surveillance in Calabria and in Sicily and in the other regions of Italy are crucial for Italy, for the European Commission and for the Member States of the European Union.
Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution
The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (7th May 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (7th May 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (7th May 2015)
Updated news (14th April 2015)
See "Tabella 1 casi confermati " (14th April 2015) (pdf)
No new A. tumida outbreak has been observed on the field as reported on the updated maps (14th April 2015). As you can see, the outbreaks observed last year (2014) have been withdrawn from the maps by the Italian authorities. In 2014, overall, 61 outbreaks have been reported in the region of Calabria (60) and Sicilia (1) since the 5th September. Cold temperatures have slowed down the apiary surveillance. However, colony visits undergone at the moment in the field did not detect any new A. tumida outbreaks since late December 2014.
The last assessment from the Italian National Reference Laboratory (16th March 2015) mentioned in Calabria 223 apiaries visited within the protection zone (20 km from the infested sites), 509 apiaries within the zone of surveillance (100 km) and 396 apiaries outside the two zones. In total 1 128 apiaries have been visited in Calabria. In Sicily, on the 16th March 2015, no further detection of Aethina tumida has been reported since the 7th November 2014. A total of 278 apiaries have been visited in Sicily: 59 apiaries within the protection zone (10 km from the infested sites), 207 within the surveillance zone (100 km) and 12 outside the two zones.
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Calabria (14th April 2015)
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The 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Sicily (14th April 2015)
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The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (14th April 2015)