EURL rabies
Collection of samples, techniques, validation and interpretation of the diagnostic methods for the purposes of rabies surveillance are presented here.
Diagnostic methods considered compliant are presented in the WOAH rabies manual. A list of procedures inspired by the WOAH official methods is also proposed.
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Suspendisse dui purus, scelerisque at, vulputate vitae, pretium mattis, nunc. Mauris eget neque at sem venenatis eleifend. Ut nonummy.
Inter-laboratory trials 2009
♦ 04 September 2009 ♦
In 2009, two inter-laboratory trials on rabies diagnosis were organized by the EU Reference Laboratory.
An inter-laboratory trial on rabies diagnosis was conducted in 2009 by the EURL for Rabies. In addition to this test, a technical questionnaire was sent to each participant in order to compare the procedures used in the laboratories. The objective was to compare results between national reference laboratories and laboratories from third countries on the rabies diagnosis reference techniques: the Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) (Dean et al, 1996), the Rabies Tissue Culture Infection test (RTCIT) (Webster at al.,1996) and the Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT) (Koprowski, 1996).
Another inter-laboratory trial was organised in 2009 by the European Union Reference Laboratory for Rabies on RT-PCR rabies diagnosis. The objective of this inter-laboratory trial was to compare results of laboratories on a same panel and to draw up an inventory of the techniques used.
Inter-laboratory trial 2010
♦ 03 June 2010 ♦
The 2010 inter-laboratory test was performed on a panel of 12 samples for the following techniques:
- FAT (Fluorescent Antibody Test)
- RTCIT (Rabies Tissue Culture Infection Test)
- RT-PCR techniques
It was geared to detecting the different genotypes.
This year, the test started in May. Results had to be sent to EURL in June 2010. As the deadline had to be adhered to, the applicants had to make sure they were technically able of performing the test before applying. The report should be available in autumn 2010.
There was no technical questionnaire this year, but the EURL requested the participants to send an English version of their protocol.
There were no registration or participation fees. The samples were sent free for Member states countries and at the participants' expense for third countries. Estimation could be provided on request. Applicants had to make sure that their administrative services agreed to pay this expense before applying.
For countries needing an import permit, a licence for the importation of 12 freeze-dried brain samples that could contain a virus was requested from the relevant authorities.
A new BSL3 building inaugurated
♦ 03 June 2010 ♦
The Nancy laboratory for rabies and wildlife inaugurated its new, level 3 containment facility (including restricted and regulated access, facility maintained at negative pressure, total decontamination of liquid and airborne effluents, etc.) for the handling of Class 3 infectious agents.
The laboratory now has a surface area of 450 m2, of which 333 m2 is for the level 3 containment area, comprising a laboratory area and animal housing. The building also has two floors for technical equipment necessary for maintaining containment. This new infrastructure will be shared by ANSES's hydrology laboratory, also located in Nancy, for its research on the microbiology of water. Additionally, this level 3 laboratory will give the opportunity to start new collaborations with LNRs.
- Get out more on ANSES website
Workshop for rabies 2010
♦ 25 October 2010 ♦
The third workshop of the Rabies EURL took place on 22 and 23 September 2010 in Nancy, France.
38 participants from 20 National Reference Laboratories of the European Union and two European organisations (the European Commission and EFSA) attended the meeting.
On the agenda: statement on 2010 activities, work programme for 2011, Inter-laboratory tests, diagnosis harmonisation procedures and Member State presentations on topical rabies subjects. 23 September was spent visiting the new BSL3 building in Malzéville and the Atton experimental station of the Nancy Laboratory for Rabies and Wildlife.
Tetracycline determination on teeth 2010
♦ 15 December 2010 ♦
Thirteen countries participated to the Inter-laboratory trial on tetracycline detection in red fox teeth. Results are currently under analysis.
Deployment of the rabies strain database
♦ 15 December 2010 ♦
The EURL has offered to develop a database recording epidemiological information on rabies strains including the corresponding Genbank sequence accession number. Linking Genbank numbers to this database will avoid the duplication of information and prevent redundancies for the NRLs since the GenBank database is a appropriate and useful tool already used for the publication, research and analysis of sequences. The advantage of the EURL's sequence database is that it will make epidemiological information related to this sequence available.
A data-collection form is now available.
Please participate actively in the deployment of this database by filling out the form for each of your new positive cases!
Inter-laboratory test for rabies diagnosis 2011
♦ 15 December 2010 ♦
The inter-laboratory test for rabies diagnosis will be held in March 2011. Laboratories willing to participate in the test should contact the EURL. Non-EU countries may be asked to produce specific administrative documents (import license, etc.). Full information can be provided on request.
Annual community review of tests related to rabies 2011
♦ 17 January 2011 ♦
The EURL implements an annual review of the analysis related to rabies diagnosis and follow-up of oral vaccination performed throughout NRLs. The goal is to estimate and monitor the amount of tests performed at Community level.
This works is done according to the regulation (EC) N°737/2008 specifying that the EURL has the duty to collect and collate the data and the results of test carried out in the Community.
A questionnaire to collect 2010 data has been sent to each NRL on 12th January 2011. Back of the result is expected before the 14th February 2011. An annual summary report will be then produced and sent to participants.
Workshop in Nancy 21 September 2011
♦ 30 May 2011 ♦
Registration for the 4th workshop for rabies is open now. Four sessions are planned during this meeting:
- Rabies diagnosis - Advances in molecular biology
- Techniques relative to oral vaccination control
- Epidemiology
New this year!
Each laboratory will have to make a presentation on one of the above topic. An abstract of the presentation has to be sent with the registration form.
European Taiex countries can attend the meeting under specific conditions. Participants can register using the registration form and sending their abstract (see instructions) before 30 June 2011.
Collaborative study on antirabies conjugates performances 2011
♦ 30 September 2011 ♦
A collaborative study to compare the performance of anti-rabies diagnosis is actually under progress. Twelve voluntary NRL are taking part in this test. Panels were sent on 12 September and results are expected for 10 October.