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Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus.
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Aenean nec lorem. In porttitor. Donec laoreet nonummy augue.
Suspendisse dui purus, scelerisque at, vulputate vitae, pretium mattis, nunc. Mauris eget neque at sem venenatis eleifend. Ut nonummy.
Knowledge base
The objective of the knowledge base is to make available documents relevant to competent authorities national contact points, official inspectors and target bodies (scientific, legal, and technical documents) related to the activity of the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA .
In 2022, the Centre created the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA Zenodo Community: EURCAW-Poultry-SFA knowledge base. The community is curated by the Centre and dedicated to the Centre’s output production related to the Centre’s five activities.
A search engine permits search outputs published in the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA knowledge base via a type of file, and keywords. Moreover, the search results can be sorted out by most viewed, best match, most recent, publication date, conference session, journal, and version.
Indicator and Iceberg indicator factsheets
When official veterinarians or inspectors perform animal welfare inspections on farms or at slaughterhouses, they follow a checklist tied to the EU and/or national legal requirements, often specified for the specific species and stage of production. During such an animal welfare inspection, different parameters are chosen as indicators of animal welfare, and the sum of those is considered the overall welfare status of the flock.
Useful definitions:
Indicator: an occurrence, observation, record, or measurement which has a proven relationship with the legal requirement, which can be:
- Animal-based indicator (ABI): a response of an animal or an effect on an animal used to assess its welfare. It can be taken directly on the animal or indirectly and includes the use of animal records.
- Resource-based indicator (RBI): an evaluation of a feature of the environment in which the animal is kept or to which it is exposed.
- Management-based indicator (MBI): an evaluation of what the animal unit manager or stockperson does, and which management processes or tools are used.
Iceberg indicator: indicator reflecting major welfare issues in an integrative manner in order to enable an initial overview of the welfare state.
Scientific output
In this sub-page, you will find a summary of EURCAW-Poultry-SFA's deliverables since the Centre's creation.
Output overview
The sub-pages 'Scientific output', 'Indicator factsheets', and 'Knowledge-base' give an overview of the output and deliverables related to EURCAW-Poultry-SFA's activities (described in the 2021 Work Programme):
- 2. Animal Welfare indicators, methods for the assessment, and methods of improvement
- 3. Scientific and technical studies
- 5. Dissemination of research findings and innovations
The output of activity 4. Training courses can be found on its dedicated page 'Training'.
Activities overview
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA provides scientific and technical knowledge to Competent Authorities of EU member states and their support bodies, for the official controls on poultry and other small farmed animals welfare requirements laid down in the European poultry and small farmed animals welfare legislations.
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA has five main activities (described in the 2021 Work Programme):
- 1. Coordinated assistance
- 2. Animal Welfare indicators, methods for the assessment, and methods of improvement
- 3. Scientific and technical studies
- 4. Training courses
- 5. Dissemination of research findings and innovations
Overview of the services
In the context of Article 96 of ‘The Official Controls Regulations’, the Centre’s tasks are the follow:
1 providing scientific and technical expertise within the scope of their mission including, where appropriate in the form of coordinated assistance, to relevant national support networks and bodies in the area governed by the rules referred to in point (f) of Article 1(2);
2 providing scientific and technical expertise for the development and application of the animal welfare indicators referred to in point (e) of Article 21(8);
3 developing or coordinating the development of methods for the assessment of the level of welfare of animals and of methods for the improvement of the welfare of animals;
4 carrying out scientific and technical studies on the welfare of animals used for commercial or scientific purposes;
5 conducting training courses for staff of the national scientific support networks or bodies referred to in point (a), for staff of the competent authorities and for experts from third countries;
6 disseminating research findings and technical innovations and collaborating with Union research bodies in the fields within the scope of their mission.
Curent work plan 2020
Future work plan for next period
-Soit ça :
The main activities areas for the Centre are:
Activity 1. Coordinated assistance à provide technical and scientific assistance to CA and their SB.
Activity 2. Animal welfare indicators à establishment and validation of welfare indicators for official controls.
Activity 3. Scientific and technical studiesà perform specific scientific studies.
Activity 4. Training coursesà provide specific training for inspection services.
Activity 5. Dissemination of research finding and innovations à disseminate innovation and knowledge.
-soit schéma bilan avec infos au dessus
Ou adaptation du leaflet des porcs ?