Frequent messages will be reported here.
- How to connect to the website:
- I have already created my account yet but I can't remember my password or login: go to "Identity" and click on Password forgotten or directly go to https://eurl-staphylococci.anses.fr/en/user/passwordhttps://eurl-staphylococci.anses.fr/en/user/password
- I had formelly an account on the old website, we invite you to create a new account on the new one: go to "Identity" and click on "Create an account" or go directly to https://eurl-staphylococci.anses.fr/en/minisite/staphylococci/staphilococci-inscription-webform (an activation key is needed, you can find it in our circular emails), after this creation step the administrator of the website activate this account and add it to the ad'hoc group