
Circular letters

Criteria for the validation of instrumental (epifluorescent) methods for the enumeration of somatic cells in raw cow's milk

Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed the circular letter 2013-01 dated 13/02/2013, accompanying the EURL MMP document on “Criteria for the validation of instrumental (epifluorescent) methods for the enumeration of somatic cells in raw cow’s milk”, Version 2-21/01/2013.

With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


Information to Participants (2013 PT trial Lm enumeration)

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/14

-          Document with information

Related to the call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on L. monocytogenes enumeration.


With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2013/14 - Call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on L. monocytogenes enumeration

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/14

-          Document with information

Related to the call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on L. monocytogenes enumeration.


With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2013/12 - Report of the2013 annual meetings of ISO & CEN in food microbiology

Dear colleagues,


Please find enclosed the report of the EURLs' representatives at the 2013 annual meetings of ISO/TC34/SC9 and CEN/TC275/WG6 (standardization in food microbiology), organized in Berlin on 24-28 June of this year. Also the resolutions (ISO) and recommendations (CEN) of both meetings are enclosed. I represented the EURL Lm at these meetings.


To note in particular CEN recommendation 338 on Lm.


Remaining at your disposal for any further details you may wish,

With best regards,




[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2013/13 - Dispatch of strain set for challenge tests

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed circular letter 2013/13 on dispatch of a set of L. monocytogenes strains for implementation of challenge tests.


With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk
