Circular letter

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Circular letter

Invitation to a training session on AP determination in cheese (fluorimetric method)


Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed :

  • circular letter 2013/07 “Invitation to a training session on AP determination in cheese (fluorimetric method)”,
  • Procedure for travel and stay cost reimbursement.


With best regards,




Report of the 2012 PT trial dedicated to Somatic Cell Count


Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed :

  • circular letter 2013/06 “Report of the 2012 Proficiency testing trial on somatic cell counting  with EN ISO 13366-1”,
  • report of the 2012 PT trial dedicated to Somatic Cell Count.

With best regards,



Collection of data for harmonization of conversion equations - total flora in raw milk


Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed :

  • Circular letter 2013/05,
  • Document “Criteria for the selection of raw data, to be taken into account to investigate harmonization of the conversion equations at European level”;
  • Excel file to collect data.


Wishing you all a nice summer !

With best regards,





Training dedicated to somatic cell count (EN ISO 13366-1)


Dear Colleagues,

We are organising in 2013 for the NRLs for Milk and Milk Products a training session on somatic cell count in raw cow’s milk by the reference method 13366-1. This 2 days session will be both theoretical and practical. It will take place in our Laboratory in Maisons-Alfort from 13 June at 9:00 to 14 June 2013 at 15:00. Please find attached the programme of the training session (MMP-Cr-201304D.pdf).


Enquiry on the need of Certified Reference Materials for Somatic Cell Count in Milk


Dear Colleagues,

As we have informed you at the recent annual workshops, the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements of the EC Joint Research Centre  (JRC/IRMM, Geel) envisages to develop Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for somatic cell count (SCC) in milk, in collaboration with us.


Criteria for the validation of instrumental (epifluorescent) methods for the enumeration of somatic cells in raw cow's milk

Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed the circular letter 2013-01 dated 13/02/2013, accompanying the EURL MMP document on “Criteria for the validation of instrumental (epifluorescent) methods for the enumeration of somatic cells in raw cow’s milk”, Version 2-21/01/2013.

With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2013/14 - Call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on L. monocytogenes enumeration

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/14

-          Document with information

Related to the call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on L. monocytogenes enumeration.


With best regards,




Dr Bertrand LOMBARD
Sub-director in charge of reference activities, manager of European Union-Reference Laboratories Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococci and Milk


[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2013/12 - Report of the2013 annual meetings of ISO & CEN in food microbiology

Dear colleagues,


Please find enclosed the report of the EURLs' representatives at the 2013 annual meetings of ISO/TC34/SC9 and CEN/TC275/WG6 (standardization in food microbiology), organized in Berlin on 24-28 June of this year. Also the resolutions (ISO) and recommendations (CEN) of both meetings are enclosed. I represented the EURL Lm at these meetings.


To note in particular CEN recommendation 338 on Lm.


Remaining at your disposal for any further details you may wish,

With best regards,



