
Meta code: 

The main welfare aspects of rearing rabbits, with a specific focus on alternative systems.

Thematic factsheet about the main welfare aspects of rearing rabbits, with a specific focus on alternative systems.


Sample size calculator_ES

Calculadora del tamaño muestral:
Herramienta de cálculo del tamaño de muestra online para evaluar la prevalencia de aves con indicadores de consciencia tras aturdimiento por baño eléctrico.


list of the identified potential demonstrators of examples of success that is selected for visits.

During 2021, the European Reference Centre for the Welfare of poultry and other small farmed animals have searched for and identified farms and slaughterhouses showing best practices related to poultry welfare. This includes examples of full systems, housing elements, enrichment, managem


Sample size calculator

Online sample size calculation tool to assess the prevalence of conscious birds after stunning.

Case 1 in Excel file is aimed at calculating the sample size when you know a priori the expected prevalence and the relative precision you want to achieve.

Case 2 is aimed at calculating the sample size when you want to detect if the prevalence in the flock of birds is above or below a certain ‘level’.

