News list

Listeriosis in England and Wales
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Public Health England (UK-NRL Lm) has published its 2019 report on national surveillance of listeriosis in England and Wales. Main figures: 142 cases of listeriosis were reported in England and Wales. 4 listeriosis outbreaks investigated in England, including a national outbreak associated with the consumption of prepacked hospital sandwiches.
Chlordecone and Food Processing
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Julien Parinet was interviewed by the Chlorexpo WG as part of the work developed by the AlimOmic team on the effects of cooking on the fate of Chlordecone. Yoann Devriendt-Renault is the PhD student working on this specific subject. Thus, after presenting the main results obtained previously (Martin et al., 2020) and currently (Yoann Devriendt-Renault's thesis), Julien answered the experts' questions. Effet des cuissons sur la Chlordecone
Recruitments of 1 Ph.D student from Rouen University
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At the beginning of the 2021 another PhD student has been recruited. Thierno Diallo from the Master Analytical Chemistry of the Rouen University has been recruited for Amphibie Ph.D thesis, which is part of AlimOmic. This Ph.D is in collaboration with La Rochelle University. Thierno will work on the development of Quechers/Quppe - LC- HRMS methods in order to detect pesticides, veterinary products and microplastics in oysters and mussels from La Rochelle area in order to explain the high level of mortality of these organisms in this region and also along the Atlantic littoral.
Joint ECDC-EFSA-EURL Lm report : european monitoring of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from food and clinical cases over 2 years
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The 'European Listeria Typing Exercise’ (ELiTE) is a collaborative study initiated in 2010 as a multi-sectorial, multi-centre exercise between led by ECDC, in association with EFSA, the EURL Lm, National Public Health Institutes, National Public Health Reference Laboratories, National Food Safety Authorities, food National Reference Laboratories for L. monocytogenes and involving indirectly, local and regional public health and food safety authorities. This study enabled the molecular characterisation of the strains isolated from either human cases or food during the baseline survey conducted over 2010 and 2011 by EFSA and DG SANTE. 3 categories of ready-to-eat food had been sampled: packaged hot or cold smoked or ‘gravad’ (cured) fish, soft or semi-soft cheeses, and packaged heat-treated meat products. In the frame of this study, EURL Lm  had in particular characterised the food strains for several EU Member States, had collected the characterisation and associated data of all the strains from food origin, and had curated their PFGE profiles. Strain typing was performed by PFGE and a correspondence with MSLT clonal complexes was implemented. It was the 1st time that simultaneous characterisation of strains from human and food was conducted at European level to investigate possible combined clusters (human/food). We invite you to read the "ECDC news story" and the joint report.
Suspicion of foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Rodrigues Island
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Recent publications
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Please, find the recent publications here :
PL-NRL+EURL Paper on vegetable contamination by Lm
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We would like to share with you this article* written jointly with the Polish NRL (National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw) about a molecular investigation of the contamination of vegetables by Listeria monocytogenes. The EURL Lm provided a support for PFGE and Genomic analysis. For PFGE, the EURL Lm provided a support for profile harmonisation and comparison with a substantial contribution to the article text and figures. For Genomic Analysis the EURL Lm performed the quality validation of the raw sequencing data and genomes assembly using his in house pipeline genomic pipeline ARTwork and performed cgMLST annotation using the ANSES calculation engine. The genomic analysis text and figures was written by the EURL Lm.
Recent publications
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Please, find the recent publications here :
Bibliography: article from our CZ colleagues
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Our colleagues from the Czech Veterinary Reseach Institute published an article in Frontiers in Microbiology entitled Comparative Analysis of Genetic Determinants Encoding Cadmium, Arsenic, and Benzalkonium Chloride Resistance in Listeria monocytogenes of Human, Food, and Environmental Origin
A record participation for the 13th annual EU Workshop for Brucellosis
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On December 10th, EU Reference Laboratory for Brucellosis (Animal health Institute – ANSES) organised its 13th annual Workshop. Thirty-three countries joined the meeting, with total number of 66 participants. The topics of the day mainly were serological analyses, which also included an intra-laboratory trial to evaluate the serological techniques (on sera) and comparison of different ELISA kits for diagnostics of Brucella spp. in pigs (suidaes). The meeting included three external (keynote) presentations, addressing the original cases recently described: 1) Evolution of ovine contagious epididymitis in Aragon province (Clara Marin, CITA, Spain); 2) The case of the cow super spreader of vaccinal strain RB51, and link to the human contamination in the USA since 2017 (Rebekah Tiller, CDC, USA); 3) Presentation of the human case of infection with Brucella inopinata in France (Anne Kériel, CNR Brucella, France). Our big thanks to Marie-France Devaux who took care of all administrative work and logistics, as well as Lisa Laboutière, Ludivine Perrot, Fathia Petot-Bottin et Maëline Ribeiro (technical experts in the Brucella team), who contribute daily to the realisation of the scientific and technical program alongside the scientists (Vitomir Djokic, Acacia Ferreira Vicente, Luca Freddi, Guillaume Girault and Claire Ponsart).
