Diagnosis activities

The EURL for Brucellosis provides diagnostic services for the confirmation or negation of disease and for strain characterisation. The front-line diagnostic assays are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025.

In addition to testing for Brucellosis, the laboratory provides diagnosis for contagious epididymitis.


Bacteriology & Molecular Biology

All Species Culture of specimens and isolation of Brucella spp except  B. ovis D260
All Species PCR detection of Brucella spp. D261
All Species Culture of specimens, isolation and PCR detection of Brucella spp.  D262
All Species Culture of specimens and isolation of B.ovis D263
All Species Identification and typing of Brucella spp (OIE Manual) D270
All Species SNPs based identification (HRM PCR, sequencing)



  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by milk ELISA
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by Milk Ring Test
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by ELISA serum
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by Complement Fixation Test
  • Serological research for brucellosis by Rose Bengal Test
  • Serological research for brucellosis by ELISA multi species
  • Serological research for Brucella canis Brucellosis by seroagglutination in tubes
  • Serological research for Brucella canis Brucellosis by Laminar Flow Immuno-Chromatographic Assay
  • Serological research for Ovine Contagious Epididymitis by Complement Fixation Test
  • Serological research for Ovine Contagious Epididymitis by ELISA


For any request, please contact us at eurl.brucellosis@anses.fr


Control activities

Control of reagents and vaccines are performed according to the cascade principle (Animal Health Law). 


1-Brucellin batch control

2-Vaccine control (final batch, partial control)

3-As routine serological activities, the EURL is controlling following batches of reagents and ELISA kits.

  • ELISA batch control (sera and milk)
  • RBT batch control
  • CFT batch control
  • ELISA batch control (sera and milk)
  • RBT batch control
  • CFT batch control
  • SAT batch control

4-For initial validation of new reagents / kits, please contact us.


For any request, please contact us at eurl.brucellosis@anses.fr