
Proficiency tests schedules by the EU RL in 2025

In 2025, two proficiency tests (PTs) will be organised by the EU RL....

New detection of SHB in Sicily on October 2024

More information can be found on the website of the Italian National...

The NRL network met in person for the 14th EU RL annual workshop

The EU RL for Bee Health held its 14th annual workshop on 24th October 2024...

The 14th EU RL Annual Workshop

The EU RL for Bee Health held its 14th annual workshop on 24th October 2024...

Welcome to the website of the EU RL for Bee Health!

ANSES was officially appointed as European Union Reference Laboratory (EU RL) for Bee Health by publication in the European Union Official Journal dated from 2nd. February 2011. The mandate took effect on 1st. April 2011.

The reference activities of the EU RL are defined by the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/429) and consequently cover bacterial (American foulbrood) and parasitic (infestation with the small hive beetle, Tropilaelaps spp. and Varroa spp. (varroosis)).

This website presents the responsibilities and tasks of the EU RL and the news and activities conducted by the EU RL and the EU National Reference Laboratory (NRL) network.