European Union Reference Laboratory for
Listeria monocytogenes

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Opening: EURL Lm chart, Agenda, Opening (SALVAT), Roll call, 2019 satifaction enquiry (ASSERE), DG SANTE update (PLANTADY),
Lm context: Exploring phenotypic diversity of Lm in multiple habitats (PIVETEAU), ECDC update on listeriosis in humans in EU/EEA (TAKKINEN), Reporting on L. monocytogenes in animals and food in the EU - Summary of Rapid Outbreak Assessments on Lm (ROSSI), Involvement of EURL Lm in outbreak investigations (SAYEB & FÉLIX), Update on EFSA/ECDC database (ROSSI), Recent outbreaks: Estonia (KRAMARENKO) and Netherlands (WULLINGS)
Lm characterisation/epidemiosurveillance: Intro (FÉLIX), 2019 PT trial on typing (BONANNO), WGS EURL Lm project update (SAYEB), Update on EURL WG on NGS and Agenda of upcoming event (ASSERE & SAYEB), Update on EJP One Health Listadapt project (ROUSSEL)
Lm detection-enumeration: Intro (ASSERE), 2019 PT (BARRE), New EN IS0 19036 on MU for quantitative analyses (LOMBARD), WG on the Revision of guidelines (BRAUGE), Guide on NRLS PTs (LOMBARD)
Microbiological shelf-life studies: Intro (BERGIS), Temperatures of the cold chain at consumer level in Europe (BERGIS), Revision of the EURL Lm Technical Guidance Document on shelf-life studies (BERGIS), Training support on shelf-life studies related to Lm (BERGIS), a new app for growth estimation of Listeria monocytogenes from salmon to sushi (SKJERDAL)
Parallel sessions: proposals for EURL Lm work programme (ASSERE)