European Union Reference Laboratory for
Listeria monocytogenes

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Go to login pageOpening: Opening (INACIO) and presentation of the workshop (ASSERE), Roll call
Network update: Intro (ASSERE), Kosovo (JASHARI), Turkïye (SARIKAYA), Northern Ireland (VAN DAMME form BE-NRL)
Lm context: 2020 EU reporting in humans (Saara KOTILA, ECDC) and food (Valentina RIZZI, EFSA), EFSA One Health System (Mirko ROSSI, EFSA), Update on ECDC listeriosis WGS-enhanced surveillance (Saara KOTILA, ECDC), multi-country foodborne outbreak investigation by EFSA (Eleonora SARNO), Sequence types of Lm found in Iceland (MARTEINSSON)
Microbiological shelf-life studies: Intro (BERGIS), Revision guide competence of labs (BONANNO), Revision DG SANCO guide (BERGIS), Set of strains (BERGIS), Project on CT strains (BYRNE, IE)
Lm detection-enumeration: Intro (BARRE), PT (BARRE), Impact of neutralizers (MIDELET & BRAUGE), Alternative methods (GNANOU-BESSE, MANCIER & CHIKHI), Measurement uncertainty (LOMBARD & BARRE), EN ISO 11290-1 (GNANOU-BESSE & BARRE), Method verification (JACOBS, NL)
Lm characterisation/epidemiosurveillance: Intro (SAYEB), PT trial on typing (BONANNO & SAYEB), GenoListeria (FELIX), Starflow (SAYEB, CHESNAIS & MERDA), Contanimation assesssment (SAYEB, CHESNAIS & MERDA), Update on EURL WG on NGS (ASSERE)
Parallel sessions:
3 groups (including 1 online group) leaded by:
How to get to the hotel from the airport: explanation
Metro map: link / Touristic map: link
Hotel da Música: website
Convivial event: Espaço Porto Cruz, Largo Miguel Bombarda 23, 4400-222 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
PT-NRL Lm : Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraria e Veterinaria, I.P. - R. dos Lagidos, Vairão, Portugal
Locations: map