European Union Reference Laboratory for
Listeria monocytogenes

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Opening: Opening (Marianne CHEMALY) and presentation of the workshop (Adrien ASSERE), Roll call
Network update: presentation (Adrien ASSERE)
Lm context: DG SANTE update (Martial PLANTADY, EC), 2022 EU reporting in humans and food (Johanna TAKKINEN, ECDC & Frank BOELAERT, EFSA), EFSA One Health System (Mirko ROSSI, EFSA), multi-country foodborne outbreak investigation by EFSA (Eleonora SARNO), FAO-WHO Lm risk assessment (Laurent GUILLIER) & plant-base food outbreak (Marie POLET)
Lm detection-enumeration: Intro (Léna BARRE), PT (Léna BARRE), TGD sampling processing areas – version 4 (Thomas BRAUGE), EN ISO 11290-1 rev (Nathalie GNANOU-BESSE & Léna BARRE), Measurement uncertainty (Bertrand LOMBARD & Léna BARRE), Alternative methods (Nathalie GNANOU-BESSE & Laurent GUILLIER), Improvement of enumeration at low level: a, b and c (Nathalie GNANOU-BESSE, Teresa RODRÍGUEZ TORRECILLA, Taran SKJERDAL), Disinfection of Lm in complex biofilm communities (Lisbeth TRUELSTRUP HANSEN)
Microbiological shelf-life studies: Intro (BONANNO), PT (BONANNO)
Parallel sessions
Lm characterisation/epidemiosurveillance: Intro (FELIX), PT (SAYEB), GenoListeria ILVT (CAPITAINE), detection (FELIX), in HU (LANCZ) and in IT (TORESSI), Starflow (SAYEB), Outbreak investigation across countries by using official and unofficial WGS data, possible pitfalls and ways to avoid misinterpretations (Taran SKJERDAL)
Conclusion of the workshop
Links to "sign in" the list of attendance and get access to the workshop
● Monday 4 December from 1pm to 6pm
● Tuesday 5 December from 9.30am to 1pm
This year, we organise a convivial event in “la Villette”. This moment is important because it will be a rich time for informal exchanges: restaurant “le Ventrus” along a canal. The menu is 55€ with one drink. -> Collection of the participation cost at the registration of the workshop.
-> please visit Useful information to support you in organising your travel and stay!