BRU POS SE02 - Animal Brucellosis French National SAT, CFT and MRT (Standard Serum Standard equivalent to the OIEISS for SAT, CFT and MRT)
- CFT Brucellosis
- MRT Brucellosis
- SAT Brucellosis
- technical
BRU POS SE01 - Animal Brucellosis French National RBT Standard Serum Standard equivalent to the OIEISS for RBT
EU S BSS - European Union Sheep Brucellosis Standard Serum
EU G BSS - European Union Goat Brucellosis Standard Serum
- ELISA serum Brucellosis
- technical
EU D BSS - European Union Dog Brucellosis Standard Serum
EU Bo SS - European Union Brucella ovis Standard Serum