Note prepared by the EU RL for Bee Health (Laboratory of Anses Sophia Antipolis)
Updated news (26th. July 2019)
To see the details of the outbreaks observed in 2018, please click here.
The first 2019 training session focused on molecular methods, including real time PCR, Bruce Ladder and HRM (High Melting Resolution) PCR. This 2-day session combining theory and practice regrouped 8 participants from Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal and Romania.
[relayed from OIE and IVDC websites]
The 87th General Session of the World Assembly of National Delegates of the OIE has been held from 26 to 31 May 2019, bringing together representatives of 182 OIE Members and observers from international organisations that have signed an official agreement with the OIE, as well as other international and regional organisations and invited guests.
China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control(abbreviated as IVDC) is designated as OIE Reference Laboratory for Brucellosis. This institute is derived from the Institute of Veterinary Biomedicine of Ministry of Agriculture of Central Government that was found in 1952. IVDC is affiliated to MARA(Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) and is a national institute responsible for evaluation and inspection of veterinary drugs.
The EURL for Listeria monocytogenes participated to the IAFP Europe symposium on food safety organised 24-26 Avril 2019 in Nantes, France.
During the plenary opening conference, Benjamin Félix as invited participant, presented the description of the EURL for Lm participated to the investigation of nine multi-country outbreak investigations in collaboration with the NRLs, EFSA and ECDC. These investigations were conducted using whole genome sequencing methods. The EURL was in charge of data centralisation, analysis and data production in support of the NRLs.
Abstract and slide show available hereafter.
We are pleased to transmit you an update from EC/JRC regarding the 3 Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) on SEA in cheese powder (IRMM-359a-c).
Their certificates have now been updated with ELISA-based quantitative values derived from a collaboration with our laboratory, in particular. These values have been included in the section "additional material information" of the certificates. A short reference to this work was added to the certification report (addendum in page 5).
Please see:
This information is important for the ones of you using these CRMs as well as for the national networks you coordinate.
“NeuroPaTick” (Neuro – Neurophysiology, Pa – Pathogens, Tick – Tick) is a new area in tick research established for the first time in the UMR-BIPAR (Anses, ENVA, INRA). This research direction merges the innovative approaches examining the interaction of tick neuropeptide signaling system with the pathogens entering tick body. Specifically, we hypothesize that pathogen benefit from manipulation of tick neuropeptidome to ensure their survival, dissemination, reproduction and transmission. Our approach aims to uncover for the first time the vulnerable spots in tick physiology, subsequently leading to the development of better control measures of these medically important arthropods and the pathogens they transfer.
Besides the common research direction NeuroPaTick group investigates multiple fascinating aspects of tick biology and their interactions with the fluctuating environments.
We are delighted to inform you that ISO 20976-1 : 2019 “Microbiology of the food chain -- Requirements and guidelines for conducting challenge tests of food and feed products -- Part 1: Challenge tests to study growth potential, lag time and maximum growth rate” is now published !
You can find it on the ISO web site at the following address :
The time has come now for us to set up the revision of the “EURL Lm Technical Guidance Document for conducting shelf-life studies on Listeria monocytogenes in ready to eat foods – Version 3 of 6 June 2014 – Amendment 1 of 21 February 2019 .lom
Welcome to the website of the European Union Reference Laboratory for foot-and-mouth disease (EURL FMD).
The consortium between ANSES (France) and Sciensano (Belgium) is designated as the European Union Reference Laboratory for foot-and-mouth disease.
You will find on the site all the activities of the EURL and information related to FMD. It is accessible to all members of the network. Thank you for registering to have access to the private area.