♦ 06 April 2017 ♦
[Relayed from promedmail.org] “The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) is launching [April 2017] an ambitious modernization project of its World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS). WAHIS is the OIE internet-based computer system that processes data on animal diseases in real-time from Member Countries and some non-Member Countries and territories and then informs the international community through its Interface. Ten years after it was launched and 4 years after major upgrades, the demands on the WAHIS information system have outgrown its capacity. Consequently the OIE is in the process of developing a new system (WAHIS+). In order to ensure the new WAHIS+ meets the needs of our stakeholders, we are seeking input from people and organizations using animal health data through the completion of a voluntary survey "Building the new WAHIS+ together", available in English, French and Spanish. The goal of this survey is to determine users' needs regarding data access and display, as well as to provide suggestions for the new WAHIS+.” Read more on promedmail.org
♦ 01 April 2017 ♦
OIE provides some infographics on rabies figures and actions that could be implemented to fight against rabies. These infographics are interactive and can be a good source of information to inform general public or aliment your presentations. See on the OIE website the English version and the French version of the “No more deaths from rabies” document: By clicking on the cross in front of each item, additional information appears. Do not hesitate to widely promote these smart tools to your rabies contacts and regularly consult the rabies portail of the OIE website as other infographics and posters are available (eg: vaccines)
♦ 07 April 2017 ♦
The latest issue of the EuroReference online magazine (issue 2) was released last March and is now available online. EuroReference is an online magazine published in English. Its mission is to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of information among all referencing stakeholders at European level. In this issue, you can find the various information, among which the article “New regulation on official controls: what changes for official laboratories?” that can be of use for your work. In order to be sure not to miss any issue of this interesting newsletter, do not hesitate to subscribe online.
The revised EC Regulation 2017/625 of 15 March has been recently published at the Official Journal of EU:
This text is available in each official EU language.
The revised EC Regulation 2017/625 of 15 March has been recently published at the Official Journal of EU:
This text is available in each official EU language,
Euroreference is about reference activities dedicated to animal health, plant health and food and water safety. Now 16 other european organisations are co-edtiting it. link to read it
Euroreference is about reference activities dedicated to animal health, plant health and food and water safety. Now 16 other european organisations are co-edtiting it. link to read it
Euroreference is about reference activities dedicated to animal health, plant health and food and water safety. Now 16 other european organisations are co-edtiting it. link to read it
♦ 20 March 2017 ♦
Registration for both meetings in Budapest is close to end now. Remember deadline is 30th March 2017. Should you intend to attend one or both meeting(s), do not to forget to register online following the link provided in the e-mailed sent to the networks. If you do not find the link, please ask us using rabies.eu-rl@anses.fr. Laboratories from the serology network willing to present or share information about rabies serology (development of new tools, comparison of techniques, situation of the laboratory regarding rabies serology…) during the meeting should contact the serology team.
♦ 20 March 2017 ♦
If you registered for the 2017 session of the inter laboratory test for rabies diagnosis, please check that all needed documents have been sent to the EURL for rabies in order to validate your participation. Remember that it is necessary to send before the launch of the test the original document of the unilateral commitment back to our team, and, if needed, an import permit delivered by your official administration.