News list

Brucella team at the 2019 Annual Regional meeting of BNSR, September 25-27
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About 100 participants gathered at Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan in the framework of the Biosurveillance Network of the Silk Road. The following countries were represented: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Urkaine, Modavlie, Uzbekistan, Byelorussia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. It should be noted that this network has recently expanded to Bulgaria and Romania. The meeting is dedicated to the purpose of strengthening approaches, which are the basis for effective preparedness to...
International Brucellosis Society Meeting
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[relayed from] The 2019 International Brucellosis Society (Annual Brucellosis Research Conference) will be held Saturday, November 2 – Sunday, November 3, from 8am to 5pm, as a CRWAD satellite organization. Scheduled guest keynote speakers include Drs. Sergio Costa Oliveira and Elizabeth A. Rucks. For further information or an invitation, please contact Sue D. Hagius ( Attendance requires a separate registration; abstract submission details are...
Record attendance at the annual Workshop, EURL for Brucellosis, September 19-20
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The 12th edition was very successful regrouping 41 participants and 33 countries at the Animal Health Laboratory, ANSES. For the first time, a representative from Serbia attended the workshop. Following the first session describing EURL activities, fruitful discussions were held on molecular approaches. Exchanges on Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) approaches were boosted by our invited speakers, Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon (DTU), Giuliano Garofolo (IZSAM) and Benjamin Felix (ANSES, EURL for...
Training session at ANSES, 23-24 May 2019
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The first 2019 training session focused on molecular methods, including real time PCR, Bruce Ladder and HRM (High Melting Resolution) PCR. This 2-day session combining theory and practice regrouped 8 participants from Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal and Romania.
87th OIE General Session (#OIE87SG)
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[relayed from OIE and IVDC websites] The 87th General Session of the World Assembly of National Delegates of the OIE has been held from 26 to 31 May 2019, bringing together representatives of 182 OIE Members and observers from international organisations that have signed an official agreement with the OIE, as well as other international and regional organisations and invited guests.  China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control(abbreviated as IVDC) is designated as OIE...
CDC Advisory: Third Case of Rifampin/Penicillin-Resistant Strain of RB51 Brucella from Consuming Raw Milk
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[relayed from CDC Health Alert Network] The New York State Department of Health and Pennsylvania Department of Health are investigating Brucella RB51 exposures that may be connected to consuming raw (unpasteurized) milk from Miller’s Biodiversity Farm in Quarryville, Pennsylvania. Symptoms of brucellosis can include fever, sweats, malaise, anorexia, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and potentially more serious complications (e.g., endocarditis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly...
European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food‐borne outbreaks in 2017
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[relayed from EFSA & ECDC] This report of the European Food Safety Authority and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control presents the results of zoonoses monitoring activities carried out in 2017 in 37 European countries (28 Member States (MS) and nine non‐MS).
The EURL team is attending the International Brucellosis Society Meeting in Chicago
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The EURL team is attending the International Brucellosis Society Meeting, taking place in Chicago this weekend (December 2 & 3). Guillaume Girault and Luca Freddi presented two oral communications on the development of our High Resolution Melting PCR tool and on our recent investigations in domestic frogs respectively. Both slide presentations will be added to the EURL website for the NRLs network. A summary of the main findings presented during the conference will be reported in our next...
First International Symposium on Brucellosis in Beijing
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On October 31 and November 1st, IVDC (Institute for Vet Drug Control) organised the First International Symposium on Brucellosis in Beijing, regrouping more than 250 scientists, stakeholders together with international experts from France (P Boireau, C Ponsart), Ethiopia (A Gelaw), Germany (H Neubauer), Israël (M Banai) and USA (Oliver He). During the opening ceremony, IVDC has been nominated as National Reference Lab for Brucellosis. The meeting provided very interesting updated...
11th Workshop at ANSES: a broad programme on atypical Brucella, Animal Health Law and serological diagnosis in Swine
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The 11th Workshop was held in Maisons-Alfort on 20 et 21st of September. A total of 28 countries including France were represented. Two invited speakers contributed to 2 major topics during the workshop: 1) Alexandre Fediaevsky (DG SANTE, Brussels) highlighted main steps on Animal Health Law implementation and consequences on Brucellosis surveillance and control in Europe ; 2) Sascha Al Dahouk (BfR, Berlin) presented updates on atypical Brucella and especially recent data...
