Projects overview
CoVetLab joint research projects
Collaborative Agreement
Here is the CoVetLab Framework Agreement (June 2010) as a PDF
Collaborative Agreement
Here is the CoVetLab Framework Agreement (June 2010) as a PDF.
2018 Annual Meeting at Lelystadt
The annual meeting took place on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th June at WBVR Lelystadt.
CoVetLab has been instrumental in the formation of several European networks
A European Network of Excellence working for the prevention and control of zoonoses and foodborne diseases. Med-Vet-Net was funded through the EU Sixth Framework Programme and came to an end in October 2009.
Med-Vet-Net Association
Took over from Med-Vet-Net to co-ordinate, capitalize and disseminate scientific knowledge or research on zoonoses with the main emphasis on food borne zoonoses as well as advocacy towards European stakeholders.
A European Network of Excellence for epizootic disease diagnosis and control to improve research on preparedness, prevention, detection and control of epizootic diseases by improvement of excellence through integration and collaboration while taking into account the public health concerns of consumers and other stakeholders throughout the food chain. The network was funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme.
European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD)
A non-profit, independent association that aims to improve veterinary and public health by providing a platform for communication among veterinary laboratory diagnosticians and to promote the highest standards in European veterinary laboratories.
- A Framework Agreement for the supply of laboratory services
- Agreement for service continuity support including mutual assistance and back-up service when required
- Quality management collaboration
- Collaboration on test development projects
- Joint translational research projects to support the surveillance and control of animal diseases with special reference to exotic diseases and other zoonoses
- Shared information and joint participation in consortia to FP7 and other EU projects
- Collaboration on responding to EU-tenders and other
- Biosafety officers sharing experience
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Suspendisse dui purus, scelerisque at, vulputate vitae, pretium mattis, nunc. Mauris eget neque at sem venenatis eleifend. Ut nonummy.