Background type: 
Display Name: 
Title [FR]: 
Title [EN]: 
Title [FR]: 
Réactifs disponibles et matériaux de référence
Title [EN]: 
Available reagents and reference materials
Methods Background: 
Materiau Background: 

Response to outbreaks of notifiable disease

To respond effectively to national and pan-european outbreaks of notifiable disease, CoVetLab partners need to be fully prepared. Disease and testing networks have been formed to facilitate and enhance our laboratory responses and to overcome common problems of sampling, testing, advice and consultation, during outbreaks.


Expertise and ‘state-of-the-art’ diagnostics and research

The partners enhance their scientific capabilities by sharing development costs for new tests and knowledge of diagnostic skills by:

  • Joint scientific activities for maintaining awareness and current knowledge in specialist areas
  • Scientific meetings to discuss research plans
  • Workshops to investigate and resolve problems of common interest
  • Short-term placements across the member laboratories
  • Sharing intelligence
  • Seek out opportunities for collaboration with other Institutes

Develop joint proposals for research funding.

Does the CoVetLab website receive any visits

The bar graph shows the number of visits (green) and visitors (blue) to the CoVetLab website around the time of the most recent meeting (CVI, 12-13 June, 2014).


Where did the visitors come from? The first map shows the world-wide distribution of recent visitors.


The second map displays a more detailed view of visits from Europe.


Even the Member website receives a few visits. From relatively predictable locations.

First published by covetmaster on 24 June, 2014 - 11:27; updated on 15 December, 2018 - 18:53.

Welcome to CoVetLab

CoVetLab is an acronym for "Collaborating Veterinary Laboratories" and also the name of a European communication and collaboration network comprising five national veterinary public health institutes.

CoVetLab is a partnership of national veterinary public health institutes from Denmark, France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

All the members of CoVetLab carry out research and surveillance and act as national and international reference laboratories for various animal diseases. Together they advance high quality veterinary science by the dissemination of knowledge, sharing of experience and the transfer of skills and technology to safeguard animal and public health.
