EURL rabies
Collection of samples, techniques, validation and interpretation of the diagnostic methods for the purposes of rabies surveillance are presented here.
Diagnostic methods considered compliant are presented in the WOAH rabies manual. A list of procedures inspired by the WOAH official methods is also proposed.
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Accessing the private part of the EURL for Rabies website
♦ 26 August 2015 ♦
(For authorized members only)
To have access to the private part of the website, including workshop presentations and other documentation, you need to log in. To obtain your login, first open the “identify” window by clicking on the “identify” button situated on the top part of your screen, and then click on the “Create an account” option. Fill the form in with the requested information. If you are an authorized member and have not previously received the activation key code, please ask for it on The account will be validated prior to first use. When your account is activated, you will have full access to the website.
EFSA Journal publication: Update on oral vaccination of foxes and raccoon dogs against rabies
♦ 30 July 2015 ♦
[Relayed from the EFSA website]
In a scientific opinion updating a previous report on oral vaccination against rabies, experts from EFSA’s Animal Health and Welfare Panel identify rabies control strategies, regular vaccinations and good cooperation among neighbouring countries as key measures. The update can be found here.
International Bat Night – 29-30 August
♦ 29 August 2015 ♦
[Relayed from Eurobats website] The Bat Night takes place every year since 1997 in more than 30 countries on the last full weekend of August. Nature conservation agencies and NGOs from across Europe pass on information to the public about the way bats live and their needs with presentations, exhibitions and bat walks, often offering the opportunity to listen to bat sounds with the support of ultrasound technology.
The 19th International Bat Night will take place on 29-30 August 2015. If you organise a bat event it is possible to register it on the Eurobats web-site free of charge.
New guide from the EUROBATS Publication Series
♦ 30 July 2015 ♦
[Relayed from the Eurobats website]
EUROBATS has developed guidelines for assessing potential impacts of wind turbines on bats and for planning, construction and operation of wind turbines in accordance with the ecological requirements of bat populations. A first version of the guidelines was published in 2008, having the primary purpose to raise awareness amongst developers and planners of the need to consider bats and their roosts, migration routes and foraging areas.
A large amount of research has been carried out into the impacts of wind turbines on bats and the increased knowledge urged for this revision of the document. The revised guidelines are applicable to larger wind farm developments in urban as well as in rural areas, on the land as well as offshore. Some case studies were included to illustrate implementation of mitigation measures in some countries.
The EUROBATS Publication Series deals with various aspects of bat conservation - sometimes reporting of the implementation of the EUROBATS Agreement in the Range States, sometimes providing guidance on the best ways to protect bats and their habitats.
Review of the analysis related to rabies diagnosis and follow-up of oral vaccination performed in NRLs in 2014
♦ 23 July 2015 ♦
An annual activity questionnaire was sent to all National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) to collect and collate data on methods used and results of tests carried out in the European Community in the frame of rabies control programmes (Commission regulations (EU) No.737/2008 and No.415/2013). This document reviews the 2014 analysis performed in 24 NRLs from the European Union and in 6 NRLs from third countries involved in a rabies control programme. It is now available online.
The EURL newsletter is now available in .pdf version
♦ 30 July 2015 ♦
The EURL for rabies newsletter now exists in .pdf format! Previous newsletters issues can be read in a printable version in the private part of the EURL for rabies website. To access the private part, please register.
Czech Republic National Reference Laboratory for Rabies
♦ 27 July 2015 ♦
The Laboratory for Rabies is one of the three laboratories in Czech Republic.
Since July 2007 the Laboratory is recognized as a National Reference Laboratory for Rabies. The laboratory is also an EU approved laboratory for serological testing regarding rabies in dogs, cats and ferrets in the frame of pets travel since 2005. Main laboratory routine activities are connected with rabies surveillance and rabies monitoring programmes. The monitoring programme in Czech Republic is conducted as a part of the oral vaccination campaigns which has been finished in autumn 2009.
The equipment is sufficient for routine diagnostic procedures (FAT and MIT).