EURL rabies
Collection of samples, techniques, validation and interpretation of the diagnostic methods for the purposes of rabies surveillance are presented here.
Diagnostic methods considered compliant are presented in the WOAH rabies manual. A list of procedures inspired by the WOAH official methods is also proposed.
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Links Useful informations
Anses - French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety European NRL AUSTRIA - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) BELGIUM - Institut Scientifique de Sante Publique (WIV-ISP) CYPRUS - Veterinary services, Animal Health Laboratory CZECH REPUBLIC - Státni Veterinárni Ústav Praha (State Veterinari Institute Prague) DENMARK - Technical University of Denmark ESTONIA - Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory (VFL) FINLAND - Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira GERMANY - Friedrich Loeffler Institut IRELAND - Central Veterinary Research Laboratory ITALY - Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) LATVIA - Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment „BIOR” LITHUANIA - National Food And Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute NETHERLANDS - Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR POLAND - National Veterinary Research Institute PIWet PORTUGAL - Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária (LNIV) SWEDEN - SVA UNITED KINGDOM - Veterinary Laboratories agency (HAVLA) International organisations OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health WHO - World Health Organisation European Commission Animal diseases (EC Website) EFSA - European Food Safety Authority EDQM - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare ICONZ - Integrated Control of Negleted Zoonoses Alliance for rabies control RABMED CONTROL PREMEDICS Discontool Others Rabies bulletin ELIZ - Entente de Lutte Interdépartementale contre les Zoonoses World rabies day
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National Reference Laboratories presentation EURL / NRLs presentation
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Other international activities About the laboratory
The laboratory is a WHO Collaborating Centre for the research and organization of zoonosis control since September 1983. It is an OIE Reference Laboratory for rabies since 1991 and Community Reference Institute for rabies serology since March 2000. The laboratory provides pertinent scientific and technical support at the European level (EU, EDQM) and to international organizations (OIE, WHO) through numerous assigned activities. The rabies group provides all the necessary expertise and technical support to European and third countries as well as to National Reference Laboratories for defining the strategy and the organization of oral vaccination programmes, as well as for establishing the monitoring of the disease (incidence of rabies, assessment of bait uptake and of rabies immunity both in adult and young target animals). World Health Organisation (WHO) The scientific activities conducted in the frame of the WHO mandate are included in two units: Research on lyssavirus (laboratory work) and Research on Diseases of Wildlife (experimental work in animals and / or in the field). As a WHO Collaborating Center, the Nancy laboratory for rabies and wildlife has the following missions: - Collaborate with WHO in regional and national zoonotic disease control programmes. The laboratory will support large-scale regional and national programmes, particularly in the planning stage, project formulation and in the form of consultative services during the execution and evaluation of the project. - Maintain close contacts with the international zoonosis control centres. - Participate to operational research projects for national monitoring and zoonosis control programmes, and collaborate in fundamental and applied research programmes in the rabies field. - To contribute to WHO programmes in the field of veterinary public health, ensure training activities in the frame of its own programmes, within the limit of its possibilities. - Collaborate in the preparation and distribution of teaching materials. - Supply biological reference material and laboratory services on request and help Member States to develop their own rabies monitoring systems, as well as any other laboratory services, including anti-rabies vaccines production. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) designates OIE Reference Laboratories to handle scientific and technical issues relating to surveillance and control of diseases on the OIE list. The rabies laboratory's experts provide scientific and technical assistance, advice and training for Member States. They are also involved in technical studies for improving existing diagnostic methods. Current projects RAB-MED-CONTROL The laboratory is involved as a partner in an FP6 European project 2004-517727 named RAB-MED-CONTROL: identifying ecological and epidemiological key factors for rabies dynamics and control in North Africa and implication for rabies status in North West Europe (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, Italy). Its activities in 2009 concern mainly a work package aiming to investigate dog ethology parameters relevant to rabies dynamics and control (dog density and population turnover rate, percentage of owned versus ownerless dogs, accessibility of owned dogs to parenteral vaccination, etc.) in North African countries. ICONZ ICONZ (FP7-KBBE-2007-1-3-09) Integrated control of neglected Zoonoses: Improving human health and animal production through scientific innovation and public engagement. ICONZ will be carried out over 5 years and is a consortium of 22 partners from 18 countries. The project will focus on the neglected zoonoses found in Africa and will contribute to the improvement of animal and human health. Neglected zoonoses such as anthrax, rabies, brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, zoonotic trypanosomiasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis and leishmaniasis are the targeted diseases that will be investigated. The ultimate objective is to develop and promote integrated controls for neglected zoonoses in developing countries. (1) Now ANSES: Since 1st July 2010, ANSES has incorporated the missions, resources and personnel of the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) and the French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (AFSSET)
> OIE Website (World Organisation for Animal Health) > WHO Website (World Health Organisation) > RABMED CONTROL website > ICONZ Website > EFSA Website
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Work on rabies by Nancy laboratory About the laboratory
Organising, coordinating, implementing and monitoring oral fox vaccination campaigns against rabies In the 1970s, the laboratory extensively participated to scientific research work for developing oral baits. A number of experimental trials were performed to check the efficacy as well as safety of vaccines before their marketing. In 1986, the laboratory tested the first available methods of oral vaccination with baits (chicken head baits) by foot distribution. Since 1990, the overall organisation of the oral vaccination campaigns has been centralised: the French Food Safety Agency (1) was requested by the ministry to organize the oral vaccination of foxes and, in close cooperation with its delegates, to implement the programme. From 1988 to 1998, year of the last recorded case of vulpine rabies, the laboratory planned and performed oral vaccination campaigns twice a year using a helicopter. These campaigns were then prolonged until 2003 and were performed once again in 2005. Several field trials have been conducted to improve the efficiency of oral vaccination campaigns, particularly to promote cubs' coming into contact with baits and also to counterbalance the increase in the fox population. An ongoing vaccination strategy, with the selection of the areas to be treated, has been implemented by the Agency based on the epidemiological situation and the extensive study of fox ethology. Rabies surveillance and vaccination monitoring The surveillance of rabies is centralised at ANSES. - Incidence of rabies in animals: diagnosis of rabies by using the fluorescent antibody test, cell and mouse inoculation tests. The rabies positive cases are systematically investigated by sequencing to characterise the genotypes of isolated lyssaviruses, and also to study the circulating field isolates in the country. - Assessment of bait uptake by testing the target species for tetracycline and assessment of age categories of foxes marked by tetracycline. - Assessment of rabies antibodies in target species in vaccinated areas: the laboratory has developed a reliable ELISA test which is recommended by OIE and in 2004 organised an international training workshop. Technical competences in rabies The laboratory is experienced in the validation and standardisation of laboratory techniques, mainly for diagnosis and serology, and regularly organises workshops and interlaboratory tests. The laboratory has developed the straw sampling technique to facilitate sampling on dead animals for diagnostic analysis. Two different techniques have been developed which are recommended by WHO and OIE (an ELISA adapted to rabies antibody titration from fox field sera and an adaptation of the RFFIT, the FAVN test for specific detection of rabies neutralising antibodies in domestic carnivores). Different techniques to assess cellular immunity have been developed. For more than 20 years, the laboratory has been in charge of the control of potency of all batches of inactivated rabies vaccines for parenteral purpose in France, by using the NIH test as well as the European Pharmacopoeia test. The laboratory has developed a “simplified” test which is recommended by WHO and European Pharmacopoeia. The laboratory is trained and competent in the control of antibody titres of human and equine immunoglobines intended for post-exposure treatment, cell or mouse production, adaptation of rabies isolates and viral titration in cells and mice. For several years, molecular tools have been developed (RT-PCR with universal and specific primers, heminested PCR, real time PCR, Southern Blot, sequencing and phylogenetic analyses) to characterise rabies viruses and to trace spill-over transmissions from reservoir to non-reservoir animals and humans, to possibly detect the emergence of rabies virus variants in new species and geographical areas. The laboratory has recently developed and validated a rapid, safe and inexpensive method for collecting samples (saliva, blood and urine) from the field using filter paper (FTA technology) for further analyses by molecular techniques. Research activities on rabies Today, the research work of the laboratory is mainly intended to increase knowledge on the pathogenicity of certain rabies viruses (those that infect European bats), to develop experimental models and to investigate the transmission of bat lyssaviruses to other bats and to humans. The main programmes, in close cooperation with other rabies laboratories, are the following: - Programme for surveillance and research on rabies in bats - Experimental trials on captive animals to investigate the pathogenicity of several field isolates The laboratory was recently involved in two FP6 European projects and is a partner in an FP7 European Project: - MED-VET-NET : Network for Prevention and Control of Zoonoses (workpackage on molecular epidemiology of European Bat Lyssavirus) - FP6 project 2004-517727, RAB-MED-CONTROL : Identifying ecological and epidemiological key factors for rabies dynamics and control in North Africa and implications for rabies status in North West Europe - FP7-KBBE-2007: Integrated control of neglected zoonoses: improving human health and animal production through scientific innovation and public engagement (1) Now ANSES: Since 1st July 2010, ANSES has incorporated the missions, resources and personnel of the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) and the French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (AFSSET)
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Websites > MED-VET-NET > RABMED CONTROL > ICONZ Diagnostic tools on animal pathology (ELISA and IDG kits...) - ANSES's website
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Training and development
The EURL provides scientific and technical assistance to all the NRLs - Organisation of training session on request (in Nancy or in the NRL), with transfer of techniques, - Organisation of workshops with interested NRLs on specific topics, - Establishment of procedures and guidelines, - Providing on-going technical assistance at a distance (phone meetings, e-mails, biological material supplied on request, etc.).
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Techniques that could be validated and/or standardised within Member States
Methods used for rabies diagnosis: Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT), Rabies Tissue Culture Infection Test (RTCIT), Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Method for determining the viral titre of the vaccine in the bait
Method for detecting tetracycline (or other biomarker) in the teeth or bones of target species killed in vaccinated areas
Method for determining the age of animals tested for biomarker determination
Methods for evaluating the stability of baits prior to use in the field
Method used for fox serology (ELISA) of orally vaccinated animals
Method for determining the potency of inactivated vaccines
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European Union Reference Laboratoryteam presentation About the laboratory
The EURL team, under the direction of Dr. Florence Cliquet, has a full time staff of 3 for the Lyssavirus Unit. Director of the EURL for rabies Dr. Florence Cliquet: Senior Scientist; PhD in Immunology; 21 years of experience in rabies; Head of the Lyssavirus unit; Head of the rabies serology EURL and the rabies EURL; Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre; OIE rabies expert Head of rabies E-RL project Dr. Emmanuelle Robardet: Scientist; PhD in Epidemiology; Head of the Rabies EURL Rabies EURL technical scientist Sabrina Andrieu Rabies EURL administrative officer Sylvie Tourdiat The Lyssavirus Unit represented by 15 agents is headed by Dr Florence Cliquet. Each scientist of the Lyssavirus Unit can provide expertise, scientific and technical support under the rabies EURL mandate in accordance with their specialty (diagnosis, molecular biology, bait titration, virology, etc.). Dr. Evelyne Picard-Meyer: Scientist; PhD in molecular biology; 12 years of experience in rabies diagnosis and molecular epidemiology; Deputy Head of the Lyssavirus Unit. Dr. Jacques Barrat: Doctor of Veterinary Medecine; 30 years of experience in rabies; OIE rabies expert; Head of animal experimentation. Marine Wasniewski: Scientific engineer; Head of the Rabies serology EURL; Head of virology section; responsible for immunology work in seroneutralisation tests. Alexandre Servat: Scientific engineer; Head of vaccinology section and diagnosis. Jean-Michel Demerson: Head technician; 25 years of experience in fox ecology and in field rabies oral vaccination programmes using aerial and manual methods.
Group picture of the Lyssavirus Unit
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Rabies disease
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Rabies is a zoonosis (animal disease that can be transmitted to humans) caused by a virus of the genus Lyssavirus. Found in the saliva of infected animals in the final phases of the disease, the virus is generally transmitted to another animal or to humans through biting. Contamination may also occur if the saliva of an infected animal comes into contact with a wound or a mucous membrane. There are 11 different genotypes of rabies virus, seven of which transmission to human has already been notified. Genotypes are mainly differentiated according to the animal host species. Rabies in carnivores is usually caused by the genotype 1 virus, which is the most commonly identified in human rabies cases. Without treatment prior to the onset of clinical signs, the disease is always fatal. Rabies, which causes over 55,000 deaths a year worldwide, is found all over the world, except in certain areas such as Australia and the British Isles due to their geographical particularities. Several European countries have become rabies-free thanks to oral vaccination programmes. In industrialised countries, rabies persists mainly in wild animals whereas it remains an endemic disease in many developing countries, with the domestic dog as the principal reservoir and main source of human contamination. In Western European Countries, rabies in dogs was eliminated several decades ago, but it continues to persist in fox populations. Thanks to oral vaccination campaigns conducted in foxes, vulpine rabies (i.e. rabies affecting foxes) has been eliminated in France. The last case was reported in 1998. France therefore now fulfils the OIE conditions enabling it to be declared a rabies-free country. To avoid any risk of reintroduction, the rabies situation in France is monitored on an ongoing basis. The illegal importation of infected animals from Africa remains a concern, and justifiably so since seven cases have been detected in France since 2001. Certain types of rabies, however, can affect bats (chiroptera). In Europe, bat rabies viruses belong to genotypes 5 and 6. While these can infect humans, the risk of virus transmission from bats to humans is considered negligible in the general population considering the low probability of human exposure to bats. Since 1970, 20 human cases of rabies have occurred in France; all of them were the result of contamination occurring outside of France.
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> " Rabies card " (pdf, in french) > More animal disease cards
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