Circular letter

Meta code: 
Circular letter

EFSA/ECDC EU Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in 2012

Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the link to the EFSA/ECDC EU Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic
Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in 2012, in particular on food-borne outbreaks due to staphylococcal
With best regards,

Training session on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by conventional multiplex PCR

De : Adrien ASSERE []
Envoyé : vendredi 2 mai 2014 17:16
À : ASSERE Adrien
Objet : _EURL CPS_ Circular E-mail N°2014/04 - Training session on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by conventional multiplex PCR


Dear Colleagues,


Report of the 2013 Proficiency Testing trial on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins

Dear Colleagues,


Please find attached:


·              the circular letter N°2014/04 entitled “Report  of the 2013 Proficiency Testing trial on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins” (CPS-Cr-201405L.pdf);

·              the report (CPS-Cr-201405R.pdf),

·              the satisfaction questionnaire to be filled out and return by 23 June 2014 (CPS-Cr-201405Q.doc).


With best regards,




Reorganisation of ANSES Food Safety Laboratory and EURL CPS

Dear Colleagues,


Further to the oral presentation made by Laurent LALOUX at the last annual CPS workshop, please find enclosed:

  • A note presenting the reorganisation of our laboratory in 2014, including the teams dedicated to EURL CPS, as well as our new postal and delivery address;
  • The organisational charts of our laboratory and or EURL CPS.


Remaining at your disposal for any further details you may need,

With best regards,



[EURL Lm] Circular E-mail N°2014/11 - 2014 Typing PT Trial Invitation

Dear Colleagues,

Please find:
- attached the circular invitation to the upcomming PT Trial dedicated to Lm typing (LIS-Cr-201411L.pdf),
- the link to register the PT Trial (by 15 August 2014):

With best regards

EURL Lm Deputy manager 


Ressource materials

[EURL MMP] Enquiry on analytical methods used by NRLs for somatic cell counts

Dear colleagues,

We have good news to announce to you: recently, the Institute of Reference Materials & Measurements (IRMM) of EC/Joint Research Centre, Geel (BE) has decided to launch the project of certification of reference materials for somatic cell count (SCC) in milk, in collaboration with EURL MMP and ISO/IDF/ICAR.
