The EURL Team is pleased to announce the 14th session of Rabies Workshop.
Following the success of the previous session which took place both online and in real life, this session is planned to be organised in an hybrid fashion as well.
The 2023 meeting will held In Ljubljana , Slovenia on 21 and 22 June.
Presentations and discussions will be dedicated to the current situation of rabies control and surveillance in EU, as well as progress on laboratory techniques and feedback on previous ILT sessions.
All the AlimOmic and PhytoCuisson team was in Barcelona on October 10th and 11th to participate to the international congress organized by Damia Barcelo. We were able to present our work on the general organization of AlimOmic, the work done on chemical coverage, the optimization of acquisition modes, and the first results of thermal treatments on authorized or banned pesticides (Chlordecone).
The EURL for Bee Health held its 12th annual workshop on 4th & 5th October 2022 by video conference. This workshop was a success with up to 56 connections at the same time.
Dr. Franco Mutinelli, Head of the Italian NRL, presented a state of play of the occurrence and surveillance of SHB in Southern Italy. The participants had also the pleasure to listen to two presentations of NRLs’ activities and the current honey bee health status in Denmark by Dr. Per Kryger (head of the Danish NRL) and in Hungary by (Dr. Attila Timar, head of the Hungarian NRL).
This year, we also had a presentation from Dr. Eric Dubois, virologist in the EURL and Dr. Agnès Ménage, veterinarian, on V. destructor detection in a French island free of varroa, the measures taken and the virus prevalence. The NRL network also discussed the article 9(2) of the (EU) 2020/689 Regulation and what is entailed for AFB diagnosis. The workshop ended by the presentation of the EURL activities during the last period and the work perspectives.
We warmly thank all the speakers for their interesting presentations and all the contributors for the fruitful discussions.
Documents and presentations of the workshop can be found here for the NRL network.
Grand moment d'échanges aux journées scientifiques d'ASLAE et de l'AECLDPA à Grignan auitour de la HRMS et des travaux d'AlimOmic.
Merci encore Félix de ton accueil et de ce bon moment partagé.
Félicitation à Florian DUBOCQ et à toute l'équipe associée à ce travail (DEPR, CNRS/UNIV. Créteil) pour ce premier papier dans Food Chem. portant sur l'impact des traitements thermiques sur la stabilité des pesticides et la production de sous-produits potentiellement toxiques.
Retrouvez l'article içi
Julien PARINET et Florian DUBOCQ étaient à Nantes pour présenter les derniers travaux de l'ANR AlimOmic et de la CRD PhytoCuisson. Bon moment d'échange sur l'emploi de la HRMS pour améliorer la surveillance sanitaire et identifier des sous-produits de pesticides du fait de traitements thermiques
Last September 14th, the final report of an audit of Germany in order to evaluate the protection of the welfare of laying hens at all stages of production was uploaded online. This audit was carried out from 21st, September to 1st, October 2021.
The objective was to assess the effectiveness of official controls to ensure the protection of the welfare of laying hens at all stages of production. The conclusions indicate, for example, that the welfare of laying hens is a priority to authorities and stakeholders and that the system of official controls is well-integrated and effective, with requirements of the national legislation more stringent than EU ones.
Other conclusions are available in the report on the European Commission website.
On behalf of the International Brucellosis Society, the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise (IZS-Teramo) organized the “Brucellosis 2022 International Conference,” including the 74th Annual Brucellosis Research Conference, which will be held in Giulianova, Teramo, Italy from September 16th to 19th, 2022. The IZS-Teramo is the WOAH Reference Laboratory for Brucellosis and National Reference Centre for Brucellosis.
Proceedings and a set of short videos focusing on Brucellosis are available on the conference website.
The EURL team prepared a set of videos describing the different phenotypical tests applied in bacteriology. These short videos present essential steps and tests, from treatment of samples to Brucella identification.
These new pedagogical tools have been prepared within the EURL workprogramme and have been presented during our last training sessions. They may be helpful for NRLs to train new staff or to illustrate training sessions.
Don't hesitate to contact us for additional details.
[relayed from Vet Record News,]
A WOMAN has reportedly become the first person in the UK to contract Brucella canis, prompting vets to call for the introduction of mandatory pre-import testing of dogs for the disease.
Having contracted the disease from a Belarusian rescue dog she was fostering, the dog owner was also forced to euthanase all her family dogs following dog-dog transmission of the infection.