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Second event in a series of webinars on the use of Non-Targeted Methods (NTMs)
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Please have a look at this webinar scheduled for June 6th, 2023, 13:00-17:00 CEST The free webinars are planned to deal with the concept of NTMs (terminology, possible approaches, data processing etc...) and how such methods can be validated to give reliable results.  
EURCAW-Poultry-SFA Dannish management meeting
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The first physical Centre management meeting of the year was held in Denmark in Vejle from 12 to 14 April 2023. Thirteen members of the Centre met in order to prepare the third 3 EURCAWs-NRCs/SBs meeting, the fourth CAs meeting (save the date: online meeting, 2*0.5 days during the last week of October 2023) and work together on the 2023 various tasks.    
Webinar: Assessment of consciousness after controlled atmosphere stunning in broiler chickens
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Organized by EURCAW-Poultry-SFA. The webinar was held via Teams. Target audience: Official inspectors from the Competent Authorities of the EU MSs Attendance through invitation only.   The PDF of the presentation is available here. The webinar recording is available here.    Description: Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing requires assessing the state of consciousness of the animals in order to identify whether the stunning and killing have been properly performed. This webinar aims to guide the official veterinarian on what behavioural indicators should be assessed in broiler chickens during the stunning procedure by means of carbon dioxide in two phases and mixtures of carbon dioxide associated to inert gases. It pretends to elucidate what behaviours are related to aversion to gas, what are the indicators of loss of consciousness and death as well as to differentiate behaviours that broiler chickens may perform when unconscious and thus, behaviours that are not a welfare issue. It will also offer the opportunity for discussion and doubts resolution.   The aim of the webinar was to: Review the main welfare aspects of stunning broiler chickens by exposure to controlled atmosphere Discuss the main results of the EURCAW-Poultry-SFA study on the assessment of welfare during the exposure to alternative mixtures to carbon dioxide in two phases in broiler chickens, evaluated in experimental conditions. Recommend ABIs and their methods of assessment (where and how to do the assessment, during how much time, how to do the sampling), providing video examples.   The webinar was attended by 86 people (102 registered), from 20 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sweden.   Schedule: 10:00-10:10: Introduction EURCAW – A. Velarde 10:10-10:18: Review Stunning of broiler chickens by Controlled Atmosphere Stunning – A. Contreras 10:18-10:38: Technical study Controlled Atmosphere Stunning – S. Rucinque 10:38-10:50: Recommendations – A. Varvaró 10:50-11:00: Sampling – V. Michel 11:00-11:10: Virtual coffee break 11:10-12:00: Discussion   This webinar has been organized within the sub-activity 4.2: Development of course material for specific topics, of the working program 2023-2024.
Science Meets Policy conference: Using Next Generation Sequencing to tackle foodborne threats
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EFSA with the inter-EURL working group on Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is organising the “Science Meets Policy” conference on “EU initiatives towards the large-scale use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to tackle foodborne threats” (online and in Parma) to be held on 5-6 September 2023. The meeting is open to all interested parties and it will be particularly relevant for food safety risk assessment competent authorities in the EU and beyond, as well as policymakers, academics and stakeholders with an interest in the topic. Registration is open until 31 May at 12:00 (CEST) for physical participation and 1 September for online attendance. ->   EFSA reserves the right to screen registrations for physical participation to ensure a balanced representation of all stakeholder and expertise groups. Registrants for in-person attendance will be informed whether their physical participation is confirmed after 2 June. Online attendance does not have limitation in regards of number of participants. Registration for in-person attendance may close earlier than the indicated deadline if the maximum number of participants is reached before that date.   Thank you for disseminating this information to any relevant national organisations/networks/stakeholders that may be interested in the conference.
Guideline from the American Society for Microbiology
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[relayed from ASM website]   In 2020, the reclassification of Ochrobactrum species to the genus Brucella based on recent gene-content analysis studies was proposed. There are several implications of adopting the name of Brucella for these organisms. If laboratories report these organisms simply as Brucella species without including additional report comments or education around the name update, clinicians who are unaware of the alternate name may inappropriately treat patients as having brucellosis, which implies disease due to classic Brucella species. Furthermore, cultures of certain species of Brucella are considered select agents and must be handled and shipped as category A infectious substances, according to International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). Variability of select agent designation within the genus Brucella can lead to confusion in laboratory handling and reporting.   This guideline answers frequently asked questions regarding this taxonomic change including impacted species, potential clinical implications and guidance on distinguishing between Brucella (Ochrobactrum) species from agents of brucellosis.  This guideline was developed on behalf of the American Society for Microbiology Clinical and Public Health Microbiology Committee, Laboratory Practices Subcommittee. 
Science Meets Policy conference: Using Next Generation Sequencing to tackle foodborne threats
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EFSA and the Inter- EURLs Working Group on Whole Genome Sequencing are jointly organising the second event of the “Science Meets Policy” conference, which will be held in Parma, Italy on the 5th and 6th  of September 2023.  The registration for the conference is now open and available on this link: Registration is open until 31 May at 12:00 (CEST) for physical participation and 1 September for online attendance.
Seminar Pablo Gago Ferrero - 12 April 2023
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Vidéo   Pablo Gago Ferrero I am Ramon y Cajal researcher and the leader of a research team (the Expo-Hum group). My research strives for increased knowledge about the chemical exposome and on the development of methods to measure it (exposomics). I have extensive experience on the application of HRMS for a better understanding of the current environmental and health challenges related to chemicals. My main goal is to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the universe of chemicals that accumulate in humans and link it to human health. I am topic editor on the exposome in Environmental Science & Technology Selected publications Gil-Solsona, R., Nika, M., Bustamante, M., Villanueva, C., Foraster, M., Alygizakis, N., Gomez-Roig, M.D., Llurba-Olive, E., Sunyer, J., Thomaidis, N., Dadvand, P., Gago-Ferrero P*. (2021) The potential of sewage sludge to predict and evaluate the human’s chemical exposome. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 8, 12, 1077–1084. Menger, F., Boström, G., Jonsson, O., Ahrens, L., Wiberg, K., Kreuger, J., Gago-Ferrero P*., (2021) Identification of pesticide transformation products in surface water using suspect screening combined with national monitoring data. Environmental Science & Technology. 55, 10343−10353. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Bletsou, A.A., Damalas, D.E., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N.A., Singer, H.P., Hollender, J., Thomaidis, N.S., (2020) Wide-scope target screening of >2000 emerging contaminants in wastewater samples with UPLC-Q-ToF-HRMS/MS and smart evaluation of its performance through the validation of 195 selected representative. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387, 121712. Editor-Selected Outstanding Paper for 2020. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Krettek, A., Fischer, S., Wiberg K., Ahrens, L., (2018) Suspect screening and regulatory databases: A powerful combination to identify Emerging Micropollutants. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:6881-6894. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Schymanski, E.L., Bletsou, A.A., Aalizadeh, R., Hollender, J., Thomaidis, N.A., (2015) Extended suspect and non-target strategies to characterize emerging polar organic contaminants in raw wastewater with LC-HRMS/MS. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(20):12333-12341. Selected awards Emerging Scientific Talent Award in recognition of the scientific career and the capacity for emerging scientific leadership in the area of Chemistry (Catalan Chemical Society). American Chemical Society James J. Morgan Early career Award mention Award for Scientific Research into Urban Challenges in the City of Barcelona The Expo-Hum group Chemicals are part of our daily lives, and we are exposed to multiple chemicals through multiple pathways. Significant questions and huge gaps remain about their adverse human health impacts and societal costs. Relevant scientific evidence contributing to regulation of hazardous chemicals requires a holistic approach to assess simultaneous exposure to multiple compounds. We use the last advances in analytical chemistry (advanced HRMS-based approaches) to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the universe of chemicals that accumulate (or pseudo-accumulate) in humans and their link with the environment. Also, we link the exposure to those compounds with adverse health effects by (I) investigating changes in the metabolic pathways (applying metabolomics) and (II) evaluating adverse health outcomes in collaboration with epidemiologists. We also focus our research on the development of early warning systems for the detection of chemicals that may pose a threat to human health to prevent possible threats.
First report of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus argenteus as a foodborne pathogen
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EURL CPS has published an article on the enterotoxigenic properties of the CPS Staphylococcus argenteus. You are welcome to read and download the final version of this article on ScienceDirect until May 12, 2023  
Best practices for alternative egg production systems - Final Conference
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On 3 May 2023, in Brussels, will take place a high-level conference presenting the results of a two-year European Parliament pilot project on Best practices for transitioning to higher welfare cage-free egg production systems. This pilot project is particularly relevant in the context of the Commission's commitment, in response to the European Citizen's Initiative End the Cage Age' to propose legislation to phase-out the use of cages for laying hens (and other species). The project aimed to help EU producers to convert conventional egg production systems to higher-welfare alternative systems and to guarantee them that they stay in business by providing practical guidance and recommendations on economic aspects. The findings of this project will also be used by the Commission in the current revision of the animal welfare legislation. To participate in the conference, you need to register by 18 April.  The conference will be web streamed. Click here to get access to the website where the agenda and registration link are available If you have any questions, please get in touch with
Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth disease in Türkiye
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The SAT2 FMDV previously identified in Iraq and Jordan has recently been identified in Türkiye (Iğdır). The FMD symptoms were observed in cattle recently introduced into the farm. For more information:
