News list

New contact person for LU-NRL Lm at LMVE
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We would like to inform the network, that Dr. Alexandra Schoos is replacing Manon Bourg as Head and contact person of the Luxembourguish National Reference Laboratory for Listeria monocytogenes hosted in the State Veterinry Laboratory (LMVE). Official Veterinary, she is the new technical manager of the Microbiologcal Department.
Back to on-site training: WGS and PCR typing session in Athens
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Finally the first EURL Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) on-site training had been successfully arranged since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. The EURL Lm organised a 5-day training session for the Greek NRL for Lm, the Department of Food Hygiene (Directorate of Veterinary Center of Athens, Directorate General of Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food) in its premises of Athens. This training had involved 5 participants from the GR-NRL Lm, and  1 participant from the Cypriot NRL Lm, State General Laboratory on the GR-NRL's initiative. This kind of on-site training sessions can: allow the NRLs to update/upgrade their competences, strengthen the link with NRLs, strangthen the links between NRLs at local level.
Présentation orale de Thierno Diallo au colloque MARCO 2021 à Boulogne-sur-Mer
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The 11th EURL annual workshop held on September 2021
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The EURL for Bee Health held its 11th annual workshop on 22nd and 23rd September 2021 by video conference. This workshop was a success with up to 59 participants connected at the same time. This year, the discussions focused on the American foulbrood and the advantages of new molecular tools for the study and surveillance of this disease. The EURL presented the development of a core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme (cgMLST) for P. larvae (EuroPLarva project), agent of the American foulbrood. Dr. Joakim Skarin from the EURL-Campylobacter, who also participated in this study, presented the diagnostic techniques using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies. Dr. Franco Mutinelli, Head of the Italian NRL, presented a state of play of the occurrence and surveillance of SHB in Southern Italy. Dr. Severine Matthijs, head of the Belgium NRL, gave a talk about the first laboratory results of a field study part of B-GOOD (the Horizon 2020 project). The participants had also the pleasure to listen to a presentation from the Polish NRL representative. Dr. Andrej Bober gave a talk on the Polish NRL activities and the honey bee health status in Poland. The workshop ended by the presentation of the EURL activities during the last period and the work perspectives. We warmly thank all the speakers for their interesting presentations and all the contributors for the fruitful discussions. Documents and presentations of the workshop can be found here for the NRL network.
Seminar Pr.Thanh Wang d'Orebro University - Sweden - September 2021
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Le Pr.Thanh Wang de l'Université d'Orebro (Suède) nous a présenté un séminaire sur le flux de traitement de données en HRMS. Merci au Dr. Florian Dubocq d'avoir organisé ce séminaire. Vidéo du séminaire
Plans de Taguchi par Thierno Diallo - Septembre 2021
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Thierno Diallo nous a présenté les Plans de Taguchi. Il a employé ces plans pour le développement d'une méthode Quechers-LC-HRMS. La vidéo du séminaire
Conférence à l'ACS de Yassine Makni
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Yassine Makni a présenté ses travaux de thèse à l'ACS en Aout 2021 dans le cadre des conférences d'automne organisées par l'ACS, le titre de sa conférence était: Screening of 204 pesticides in baby-food by UHPLC-QTOF Bravo Yassine pour cette première conférence!
Dr. Noel Fenech
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It is with great emotion that we learned that Dr Noel Fenech passed away on 12 July 2021. Head of the Department for Health Regulation of the Public Health Laboratory (Valletta, Malta), he has been the Head of the Maltese National Reference Laboratory for Listeria monocytogenes since March 2017. All EURL Listeria monocytogenes colleagues present our sincere condolances to his familly and our Maltese colleagues.
European Commission designates a third European Union Reference Centre
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In May 2021, the European Commission designated a third EU Reference Centre for animal welfare, focusing on the welfare of ruminants and equines (Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/755). The tasks of the third centre (EURCAW Ruminants & Equines) include supporting the European Commission and the Member States in the application of animal welfare requirements for ruminants and equines, carrying out scientific and technical studies, as well as conducting training courses and disseminating research findings and information on technical innovations. EURCAW Ruminants & Equines covers a range of farm animal species including those used for dairy production (cows, goats, sheep, buffaloes), the production of meat by cattle, sheep, goats, deer and horses, and ruminants and equines kept for other purposes.   EURCAW Ruminants & Equines is constituted of a consortium led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (Sweden). The centre is also composed of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria), the Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos-Dimitra/Veterinary Research Institute (Greece), the National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (France), the University College Dublin (Ireland) and the Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise “G. Caporale” (Italy).   EURCAW-Pigs was the first reference centre, designated by the Commission in March 2018. This was followed by the nomination of EURCAW-Poultry-SFA in October 2019, devoted to the welfare of poultry and other small-farmed animals. 
Scientific meeting of GFRA 2021
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The next Scientific meeting of the Global Foot and Mouth disease Research Alliance will be held 1 - 3 November 2021 as a virtual edition due to the COVID-19 pandemic :
