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séminaire Florian Dubocq (ANSES) - juillet 2021
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Dr. Florian Dubocq nous présentera une introduction à MSDIAL pour traiter nos données HRMS   vidéo
Accueil d'un nouveau membre au sein de l'équipe HRMS : Dr. Florian Dubocq
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Docteur en chimie analytique spécialisé en analyse non-ciblée, Florian nous rejoint pour 18 mois pour travailler sur les effets des cuissons sur la stabilité des pesticides et cela dans le  cadre d'une CRD entre la DEPR, l'INERIS et le CNRS. Bienvenue Florian!   linkedin Researchgate
Séminaire Christophe Junot (CEA) - 25 février 2021
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vidéo du séminaire
New version of EURL Lm Technical Guidance Document on shelf-life studies approved by PAFF committee
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We are pleased to inform you that the Standing Committee of the Plants, Animal, Food and Feed/Section “Biological safety of the food chain”, at its meeting of 1st July 2021, has approved the version 4 of the EURL Lm Technical Guidance Document on challenge tests and durability studies for assessing shelf-life of ready-to-eat foods related to Listeria monocytogenes: link. This new version was prepared with a working group of 7 NRLs coordinated by the EURL Lm and welcomed by the network of the NRLs for Listeria monocytogenes and by the working group on Microbiological Criteria managed by DG SANTE on 5 May 2021. The main objectives of this 4th version were to: ensure consistency with the Standard EN ISO 20976-1 on the requirements and guidelines for conducting challenge tests of food and feed products - Part 1: challenge test to study the growth potential, lag time and maximum growth rate published in 2019; modify by 10°C the default temperature at consumer level according to the EURL Lm report on “the temperature of domestic refrigerators in Europe”; take into account the experience gained over the years in carrying out challenge tests.
First EURCAWs meeting with NRCs and SBs
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Last first of July, took place the first meeting between the three EUropean Reference Centers on Animal Welfare and National Reference Centers and Supporting Bodies. This online meeting was a success. 21 European countries were represented. There were presentations of the EURCAWs and existing NRCs and workshops on scientific and technical issues on each species, training and communication. Report EURCAWs meeting for National Reference Centres & Supporting Bodies, online meeting 1 July 2021. All presentations EURCAWs meeting for National Reference Centres & Supporting Bodies, online meeting 1 July 2021.
Success for the European Citizens’ Initiative on “End the Cage Age”
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The European Commission has responded positively to the European Citizen's Initiative (ECI) that collected 1.4 million signatures within one year from supporters in 28 Member States, being the first successful ECI on farm animals. The European Commission committed to propose to phase out and prohibit the use of cages for laying hens, sows, calves, rabbits, pullets, broiler breeders, layer breeders, quail, geese, and ducks. The proposal is expected by the end of 2023 and will be part of the revision of EU animal welfare legislation.   More information:
New version of the Anses Data sheet on Listeria monocytogenes
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ANSES publishes data sheets on microbiological hazards. The data sheet dedicated to Listeria monocytogenes waw recently updated. Here is the link:
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